2 Really Smart New Habits To Start Today



What is the #1 Habit you can stop today that will benefit much of what you do?

Stop expecting something to go wrong. Sure it is okay to have a mindset of realistic optimism, but try replacing the somewhat cynical notion of Murphy’s Law with  “Something GOOD is going to happen today.” Even just saying it makes me smile.


What is the #1 Habit you can start today that will benefit much of what you do?

Try planning your day for success. For every one minute of planning you do (mapping out your day), 10 minutes of work and effort will be saved. Stop writing “to do” lists and start designing you day for progress.  Be more intentional. Breakdown your goals and do one thing that will get you a step closer to achieving them.

 Recommended Reading


Focal Point: A Proven System to Simplify Your Life, Double Your Productivity, and Achieve All Your Goals


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