Resuscitating Back To Life

Lately I have been experiencing many shifts in perspective about my life. A shift in perspective can give life to something that feels dead.  It can breathe fresh air into an old relationship, it can help you finally see the opportunity in a recurring nightmare of a problem, a change of energy can help you resolve an “issue” that you keep experiencing over and over.

I am beginning to see things differently, especially the problems and pain points – the obstacles that I face every day. Between you and me, they aren’t huge challenges, but they aren’t small either and thank God they don’t effect my health.

You and I both know, your mental and physical health is everything. Soul health too. Soul health is most important.

“Poverty consciousness and a sense of “not enough” can cast a shadow on your path. These ideas and core beliefs come with a high cost. Do you really want to proclaim yourself a victim of disappointment and failed expectations? Are you avoiding success because you will grow so tall that others may want to cut you down? Or is it possible that you are caught in a fear that you will lose what you have acquired, so you hold on so tight that you miss the opportunities to expand? You are being challenged to change the way you see the world and move from a perception of limitations to a perception of abundance. Take a risk, for you have nothing to lose except your confinement in a prison of your own making. Open the door and find the abundance waiting for you to claim it.

-from Wisdom of the Oracle Card Deck


I use to think that the best form of prayer is a simple, single prayer of gratitude and appreciation for whatever God gives us. I still believe that to be true, but now I also understand that the act of prayer is also an invitation to surrender to what we think we need and want.

I now think of the power of prayer as a form of letting go and accepting that God knows better and with us at all times. 


It was Gabby Bernstein today that turned me on to a new way of praying that truly resonates with me.

Dear God,

Thank you for showing me creative solutions

that are beyond my sight. 

So often we pray for what we think we need instead of surrendering to the knowledge that God has bigger, better plans for us. When we are open and allowing God to take over our lives we unleash the strength within us and stay open to the power of the universe and possibility. It is then that we collaborate and create our masterpiece in union with the divine.


Remember, you are the books you read, the films you watch, the music you listen to, the people you meet, the dreams you have, the conversations you keep.

You are what you take from these. They leave an impression on you. Be careful what you consume.

You are the sound of the ocean, the breath of fresh air, the brightest light and the darkest corner. You are a collective of every experience you have had in your life.

So drown yourself in a deep and beautiful sea of knowledge and existence. Let these experiences run through your veins and let the essence fill your mind and soul.


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  1. This post was a breath of fresh air to me – thank you. It’s so beautifully ‘flowy’. I love those moments in which this kind of new energy brings life to what has been fading. For me, it’s almost like a new start. I like listening to Gabby. Letting it go and trust in God’s work have been the two most difficult (scary?) things to do. But only that eases up the anxiety, 99% of the time.


    1. I too like the idea of surrendering to the higher self. This new way to pray is going to be my part of daily routine. This one was like warm breeze blowing on nice autumn day!


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