
The purpose of my writing here, is to expand my awareness of reality, to see beyond my cognitive biases.

I started this blog to connect with intelligent thinkers and doers like yourself with the intention of making new friends from all around the world. I am excited by what I am reading and learning from so many of you and I imagine a day when we might meet in person. Despite the negative research about how technology is making us more lonely, anti-social and “disconnected”, I argue that one of the most positive aspects of the internet, this big, juicy World Wide Web, is how much closer it can bring us all together. Especially if we share the same curiosities, wonder and enthusiasm about life.

I want to inspire us all to become the very best versions of ourselves that we can be while creatively expressing the capacity of our essence.

I spend my mornings studying and curating the very best authors, experts, researchers and masters of mind, body and soul to understand the best practices and amazing advice for improving performance and living a thoughtful and intentional life.

I am also obsessed with how wearable tech and how technology can improve our fitness, meditation and mindful practices while reducing stress and creating calm amidst the chaos of modern life.

This site is also a record, a journal of my own becoming, a project of self- transformation. The details of which can be read in this post here – Lightening Up, Sparking Joy, Creating Love

Some of the quotes are from books I am reading, podcasts that I am listening to, thoughts in my head, personal challenges I am trying to conquer, new inspiring adventures and quite possibly just everyday conversations that I have had with people that inspire me.

I find this world an astonishing and exciting place to explore.  If something here resonates with you, please share your thoughts. I’d love to hear from you.

When I am not writing, I’m also pretty busy helping people navigate the internet, including social media and digital marketing so they can grow their brand, business or art. If you are interested in learning more about my content strategy and creation services,  please visit 

Pura Vida,


Email me at, Follow me on Twitter  and Instagram


  1. Dear Madeline,
    Here I sit not yet finished reading your “about” page when the sudden urge to stop and write you a comment overcomes me!
    In your opening sentence you got me! To put it another way- you had me at “make new friends” I just finished writing a reply to you over at my blog and ended it with “I love making new friends!” Great minds!
    Anyway, I am glad you stopped by my blog and I am enjoying my browse around yours!

    Have a beautiful day… off to learn more about you! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Madeline – Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my blog and to comment. I am amazed at all the different people out there sharing chunks of who they are through blogging. It makes the world a little smaller/cozier. Have a great day!


  3. I am so delighted to have found your blog. Thank you for sharing your insights and I would like to ask if you could share any podcasts that you follow as I really enjoy your perspective and find many commonalities with my interests as well. I look forward to digging into “The Inevitable” by Kevin Kelly and have just finished “The Obstacle is the way. Blessings to you.


  4. Congrats Madeline for writing such a wonderful blog.It inspires and motivates.I just saw you had commented on a story of a Drug addict on 11 Nov 2015 on my blog .
    You were interested to know about the breathing technique he practiced in jail.Please visit the site ‘Art of living’ or any video on YouTube about Sudarshan Kriya.I am extremely sorry for such a delayed response.Please pardon me.Believe me, it was not intentional.


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